I-10/Tippecanoe Avenue Interchange Improvements PA/ED and PS&E

The I-10/Tippecanoe Avenue interchange experiences heavy traffic due to its proximity to numerous major businesses. Reconfiguring the interchange has played a critical role in alleviating traffic congestion.

As a gateway to both Loma Linda and San Bernardino, the I-10/Tippecanoe Avenue interchange is a critical access point for businesses in both cities. Adjacent to the highway are major retail centers, several auto dealerships, and the Loma Linda University Medical Center. The presence of these businesses has generated high volumes of traffic, requiring the development of both interchange and street improvements to alleviate congestion.

Widening the EB off-ramp has helped prevent traffic from queuing onto I-10 and improved the efficiency of the interchange.

Advanced Civil Technologies supported the preparation of the PA/ED and PS&E for improvements to the interchange. The project modified the interchange by adding a loop on-ramp to WB I-10 and reconfiguring the WB off-ramp to Tippecanoe Avenue around the new on-ramp. Additional improvements included implementing an auxiliary lane on EB I-10, providing additional lanes on the EB off-ramp, and widening Tippecanoe Avenue/Anderson Street and Redlands Boulevard to provide increased capacity. Our staff was responsible for providing signing, striping, and electrical system design services.

 The interchange improvements presented several challenges. Additional corridor efforts along I-10, including the implementation of an HOV lane, required strong communication with other project teams. The project also had major political implications and required close coordination with the cities of Loma Linda and San Bernardino, SBCTA, Caltrans District 8, and FHWA to complete both phases on an expedited schedule, allowing the project to capitalize on available funding.

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Close coordination with Caltrans District 8 and SBCTA

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Expedited delivery schedule


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Coordination with other planned projects

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Close coordination with Caltrans District 8 and SBCTA

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Expedited delivery schedule

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Coordination with other planned projects


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