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Floodplain Evaluations

Roadway improvements that encroach into floodplains can create challenges and risks that need to be identified and mitigated if possible. Floodplain Evaluation Reports help protect our natural resources and preserve beneficial floodplain values by determining if new developments are floodplain compatible.

Floodplains offer many beneficial values, such as vegetation that reduces erosion and flood velocity.

Floodplains offer a variety of benefits, serving as biological habitats for countless species and providing municipal and recreational values. Additionally, they play a critical role in minimizing flood damage, absorbing storm water, and reducing flood velocity. Transportation developments that encroach into floodplains can have a negative impact, creating additional storm water runoff and raising the water surface elevation of the 100-year flood. Before receiving project approval, all new developments must be evaluated to ensure their presence will allow the floodplain to withstand the 100-year flood without significant adverse effects.

Floodplains offer many beneficial values, such as vegetation that reduces erosion and flood velocity.

Floodplains offer many beneficial values, such as vegetation that reduces erosion and flood velocity.

To preserve local floodplains, Advanced Civil Technologies prepares Location Hydraulic Studies and Floodplain Evaluation Reports that measure the impacts a transportation project may have on the surrounding area. Additionally, our staff is experienced in determining floodplain encroachment and developing HEC-RAS models to analyze water surface elevation and velocity. These studies allow us to measure risks to each beneficial value of the floodplain and identify drainage modifications to ensure floodplain compatibility. Doing so plays a critical role in receiving project approval for the improvements in question and ensuring the continuing safety and natural beauty of the local area.

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ACT combined data sets from Caltrans and USGS to create a custom hydraulics model for the Laguna Canyon floodplain