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Feasibility Studies

Even though a transportation problem may be identified, determining practical solutions is a difficult task. Feasibility Study Reports can assist transportation agencies in understanding realistic alternatives to improve highway deficiencies.

Our team has prepared Feasibility Study Reports for major projects such as interchange modifications and highway widenings.

Identifying the best solution to a transportation problem presents numerous challenges. It is important to develop improvements that are both effective and reasonable to fund. Additionally, constraints such as right-of-way limitations can affect transportation projects by escalating the project cost. A Feasibility Study Report is an essential tool in allowing an agency to evaluate the specific benefit of a project while understanding anticipated costs and impacts.

Our team has prepared Feasibility Study Reports for major projects such as interchange modifications and highway widenings.

Our team has prepared Feasibility Study Reports for major projects such as interchange modifications and highway widenings.

Advanced Civil Technologies is experienced in the delivery of Feasibility Study Reports for projects involving highway design, interchange reconfiguration, and express lane implementation, often to accommodate new developments or population increases in the project area. Our staff explores potential design concepts by creating preliminary geometrics and typical sections as well as facilitating stakeholder meetings to incorporate their concerns into the alternatives developed. Additionally, we prepare preliminary estimates and identify constraints such as right-of-way impacts and concurrent developments in the project area. This collected data allows us to make an informed recommendation regarding the best project solution that addresses all issues while minimizing impacts.

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ACT’s Feasibility Study Reports have identified opportunities to expedite delivery in future phases

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Limited impacts to right-of-way and/or the environment

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ACT’s Feasibility Study Reports have identified opportunities to expedite delivery in future phases

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Limited impacts to right-of-way and/or the environment